Work with us

Explore remotely, flexible opportunities and join our mission to bring shariah-compliant insurance & finance services to those without access.

How we work: Our core values

  • Community

    We come together wherever we are – across time zones, regions, offices and screens. Our teams reflect the rich diversity of our world, with equitable access to opportunity for everyone.

  • Transparency

    We make it a point to have honest and open communication within our organization but also with our community; the good, the bad, and the ugly.

  • Excellence

    We view excellence as the result of three actionable habits: (1) Innovate to serve our community better; (2) Model positive examples; (3) Helping each other and asking for help.

Morrad Irsane - CEO

“We want mission-driven people who believe that what they do can impact the world. We want relentless people that are up for failing 100 times before they find success. Most of all, we want people who care about other people.”

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